Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Cried Up a Mountain

On our trip to San Francisco we decided to take a day and drive out to Yosemite National Park for a short little visit. Little did I know what we were in for. Once we passed through the valley and headed up the mountain, we came to one of the scariest roads I have ever been on. 

Now -- I am afraid of heights, so this road was probably not so scary for a typical person. My poor husband had to put up with me screaming at him to slow down for about thirty minutes. There was a little profanity thrown into the mix as well -- okay, so a lot of profanity. 

My right hand had a death grip on the grab handle above the window, while my left arm was securely wrapped around the center console. As if that would protect me if we went careening off the side of the mountain. 

What seemed like a never ending road, New Priest Grade Road, outside Moccasin, California was only about five miles of very, very sharp hairpin curves up the side of a mountain. At some points along the road there were no guard rails. I felt as if we were going to launch right of the side of that mountain. 

Then came the crying - serious crying as I didn't think I would make it up the mountain or even back down for that matter. I was ready to set up homestead in Yosemite. 

But once we made it to the top, I relaxed somewhat. There were still some scary curves once we arrived in Yosemite National Park, but nothing compared to this stretch of road. 

Luckily my husband found my favorite bottle of wine at the Yosemite Camp Store which made for the ride down a little less nerve-racking. All in all it was a great day trip. It will make for a great story to tell some day. The harrowing drive up that mountain was well worth the beauty we saw that day.  

Check out some of the pictures here on my Yosemite page of my Virtual Coffee Table blog.  

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